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Free website rank checker - 2pink Rank Checker


Check the exact keyword rankings, automatically every day, without captcha.

Best keyword rank checker from Google - No captcha required.

Automatically daily ranking checker - No need to manually check.

The search results are accurate as they use a lot of different servers.

Statistics detail the change position of each keyword.

Unlimited storage of ranking history of each keyword.

Unlimited hosting keywords, projects, domains.

Export detailed report to Excel file.

Web-based activity - Can view reports from multiple devices.

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The entire keyword rank history is unlimited.

2pink Rank Checker does not limit your keyword's location history to keyword rankings, so it's easy to manage and track keyword rankings easily through each day, month and year.

Because it's completely website-based, you can easily view keyword ranking reports anywhere, anytime, and on any device as long as you have an internet connection.

Unlike other keyword ranking tools in the market, 2Pink Rank Checker has a fully automated mechanism that helps SEOers reduce daily workloads. No need to manually check, just open 2pink Rank Checker every day is able to track the rank of the keyword.

Check keyword rankings - 2pink Rank Checker
Flexible group keyword management - Unlimited keyword hosting, keyword grouping and domain names - 2pink Rank Checker

Unlimited storage keywords and domain.

The strength of 2pink Rank Checker is unlimited data storage. So with SEO companies or SEOs that need to manage the large number of keywords of many different projects can be completely comfortable to use.

Managing keywords and groups is very scientific and easy to use, and it's easy to add, edit and delete without any difficulty.

With this outstanding advantage certainly 2pink Rank Checker will be the choice can not be ignored by all SEOer.


Manage and check keyword ranking easily in groups

Placing keywords into related groups makes it easy to check and view reports.

The rankings table has information about the current position of the keyword relative to the position of the previous check and the best position that the keyword has ever achieved. All data is complete and accurate.

The "History" section will have a chart of the change in keyword rankings over the last 30 days, and you can also check the detailed history for each month of the year.

Check rankings by keyword group - Complete statistics for current position or change - 2pink Rank Checker
Full report detail - Export report to Excel file - 2pink Rank Checker

Full report, export report to Excel file.

The overview chart section gives you quick statistics on the number of your keywords.

It clearly lists the number of keywords in each TOP position.

You can also export the report to an Excel file for all keywords or groups of keywords.

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