Earn Live Traffic points with Chrome Extension

126 votes | Rating 4/5

Live Traffic Viewer is an extension running on Chrome browser developed to make it easier for members to earn points and bring quality views to the entire Live Traffic community.


Here are detailed instructions on how to install the extension Live Traffic Viewer:

Step 1

Download and unzip the folder: Live Traffic Viewer

Step 2

Open Chrome's extension manager window at: chrome://extensions

Step 3

Enable Developer Mode > Select the unzipped utility > Select the downloaded Live Traffic Viewer folder.

Step 4

Click on the Chrome extension management icon > Choose to pin Live Traffic Viewer to the address bar for easier use.

Step 5

Click on the extension Live Traffic Viewer > press the EARN button to start earning points.

Run more tab

Add more new Chrome accounts to run more points-earning tabs.


  1. The number of points earned from Live Traffic Viewer is 2 times more than running the tool Live Traffic Client on windows.
  2. While earning points you must not close the view tab and hide the browser because the extension will stop working.
21/04/2023 08:37